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Pixi Studio

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About Me
Pierre started the PIXI adventure in 2004 with a specific goal in mind: to put the tools developed for the cinema and videogame industries to good use in manufacturer’s product marketing. BRP, his former employer, became his first client. Since then, the company has earned a respectable place by convincing other manufacturers and agencies of the benefits of photorealistic 3D images compared to photo shoots.

Industrial designers, 3D animators & artists, interior designers: the team has grown, contracts have multiplied and the studio moved from the Montreal’s Angus sector to Saint-Henri.

In 2009, Annie joined the team. An experienced consultant who has worked with large companies, she wants to contribute to creating of a work environment that is characterized by a warm and friendly atmosphere alongside Pierre, her significant other.

One year later, Emelie joins our talented team as a 3D artist and quickly demonstrates her talent. It is professional love at first sight between Pierre, Annie and Emelie. Seven years later, she thrives as a production manager and becomes an official partner.

In 2017, PIXI creates the PIXILABO; a new world of possibilities then opens up to our client base through augmented reality, virtual reality and real-time solutions.

The three partners form a tight-knit team – they use their complementary strengths and skills to manage the studio with a clever mix of discipline and humanity. Because their employees’ happiness is sincerely dear to their heart, they provide a positive and stimulating environment where fun is part of everyday life. Quality being key in keeping our clients satisfied, PIXI’s management team continually focuses on achieving excellence and delivering on their promises.
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